Thanks to the growing number of researchers using our fetal bovine serum (FBS) products, our FBS is being cited in publications on an increasingly frequent basis. In the last week alone, our FBS has popped up in three new studies that demonstrated the versatility of our FBS options. You can explore all our FBS references here.

In the first publication, investigators from Hendrix college used our Premium Imported FBS (cat. FBS002) to culture COS-7 cells. The researchers wanted to better understand how the cancer cell line avoids ferroptosis. Check out the full publication here.

Scientists also utilized our Premium Imported FBS (cat. FBS002) in the second publication to culture C6 rat glioma cells. The researchers from the University at Buffalo were comparing various quantitative phase imaging (QPI) techniques. Learn more here.

In the final study, researchers used our Heat Inactivated Premium USA Origin FBS (cat. FBS001-HI) in cervical cancer research. With our FBS, the investigators cultured two cervical cancer cell lines, DoTc2 and C-33-A. They found that by knocking down HOTAIR in the cells, metastasis of the cells was impaired. Read the study here.

As demonstrated in these three publications, our FBS have applications in a broad variety of areas. Our selection of FBS types includes options for all cell culturers. Check out our explainer walking through all our offerings including the various grades and specialty lines. You can also find all our FBS options below.

NameCatalog #TypeSpeciesApplicationsSizePrice
FBS - Charcoal Stripped Fetal Bovine SerumFBS005-CCell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500 ml$650.00
FBS - Dialyzed Fetal Bovine SerumFBS005-DCell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500 ml$600.00
FBS - Exosome Free Fetal Bovine SerumFBS002-XCell Growth MediaAllCell Assays50 ml$185.00
FBS - Exosome Free Fetal Bovine SerumFBS002-XCell Growth MediaAllCell Assays250 ml$915.00
FBS - Female Only Fetal Bovine SerumFBS001-FCell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500 ml$646.00
FBS - Heat Inactivated Preferred Fetal Bovine SerumFBS007-HICell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500 ml$305.00
FBS - Heat Inactivated Premium Imported Fetal Bovine Serum (USDA Approved)FBS002-HICell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500ml$336.00
FBS - Heat Inactivated Premium USA Origin Fetal Bovine SerumFBS001-HICell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500 ml$520.00
FBS - Heat Inactivated Qualified Imported Fetal Bovine Serum (USDA Approved)FBS006-HICell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500 ml$310.00
FBS - Lipid Depleted Fetal Bovine SerumFBS005-LCell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500 ml$650.00
FBS - Preferred Fetal Bovine SerumFBS007Cell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500 ml$300.00
FBS - Premium Imported Fetal Bovine Serum (USDA Approved)FBS002Cell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500 ml$331.00
FBS - Premium USA Origin Fetal Bovine SerumFBS001Cell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500 ml$515.00
FBS - Qualified Imported Fetal Bovine Serum (USDA Approved)FBS006Cell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500 ml$305.00
FBS - Qualified USA Origin Fetal Bovine SerumFBS005Cell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500 ml$388.00
FBS - Tet-Free Fetal Bovine Serum (Imported)FBS002-TCell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500 ml$435.00
FBS - Tet-Free Fetal Bovine Serum (USA Origin)FBS001-TCell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500 ml$592.00
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