Last month, we announced that our Premium Imported Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) (cat# FBS002)  was on sale through the end of February. However, we've decided to extend the sale through the end of March! Through the end of the month, our Premium Imported FBS is starting at only $299 per 500 ml bottle, with additional discounts available for bulk orders.

Our premium FBS is the highest quality FBS we manufacture, meaning it can be used to culture virtually all cell types, including the most sensitive lines of cells. We encourage you to request a sample here to see how well it works with your cells!

Premium FBS Features:

  • Endotoxin levels : ≤10 EU/mL
  • Triple 0.1 μm Filtered
  • Free of Virus and Mycoplasma

Learn more...

Along with our Premium Imported FBS, we offer various grades and lines of FBS. This selection includes other premium, standard, and qualified grades of FBS. Additionally, we offer charcoal stripped, dialyzed, exosome free, lipid depleted, and tet-free FBS. All of our FBS options are also available heat inactivated.

Check out all our FBS products below! 

NameCatalog #TypeSpeciesApplicationsSizePrice
FBS - Charcoal Stripped Fetal Bovine SerumFBS005-CCell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500 ml$650.00
FBS - Dialyzed Fetal Bovine SerumFBS005-DCell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500 ml$600.00
FBS - Exosome Free Fetal Bovine SerumFBS002-XCell Growth MediaAllCell Assays50 ml$185.00
FBS - Exosome Free Fetal Bovine SerumFBS002-XCell Growth MediaAllCell Assays250 ml$915.00
FBS - Female Only Fetal Bovine SerumFBS001-FCell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500 ml$646.00
FBS - Heat Inactivated Preferred Fetal Bovine SerumFBS007-HICell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500 ml$305.00
FBS - Heat Inactivated Premium Imported Fetal Bovine Serum (USDA Approved)FBS002-HICell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500ml$336.00
FBS - Heat Inactivated Premium USA Origin Fetal Bovine SerumFBS001-HICell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500 ml$520.00
FBS - Heat Inactivated Qualified Imported Fetal Bovine Serum (USDA Approved)FBS006-HICell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500 ml$310.00
FBS - Lipid Depleted Fetal Bovine SerumFBS005-LCell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500 ml$650.00
FBS - Preferred Fetal Bovine SerumFBS007Cell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500 ml$300.00
FBS - Premium Imported Fetal Bovine Serum (USDA Approved)FBS002Cell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500 ml$331.00
FBS - Premium USA Origin Fetal Bovine SerumFBS001Cell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500 ml$515.00
FBS - Qualified Imported Fetal Bovine Serum (USDA Approved)FBS006Cell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500 ml$305.00
FBS - Qualified USA Origin Fetal Bovine SerumFBS005Cell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500 ml$388.00
FBS - Tet-Free Fetal Bovine Serum (Imported)FBS002-TCell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500 ml$435.00
FBS - Tet-Free Fetal Bovine Serum (USA Origin)FBS001-TCell Growth MediaAllCell Assays500 ml$592.00
We can help.

We are building our company one satisfied customer at a time. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.

5325 West 74th St., Suite 8
Edina, MN 55439

Toll free: 866-350-1500
Int’l phone: 952-374-6161
Fax: 612-677-3976