Last month, we highlighted the many occasions in which our primary human neurons (cat. HNC001) have been cited in published research. This includes creating 3D spheroids, studying the link between Alzheimer's and COVID-19, and identifying neuroblastoma therapeutic targets (learn more here).
This month, our human brain astrocytes (cat. HMP202) are stealing the spotlight. Just last week, scientists from Vaccinex, Inc. published neurodegenerative disease findings. With the help of our astrocytes, the researchers determined that creating a blockade of Semaphorin 4D may preserve normal astrocyte function and improve disease pathology in astrocytes interacting with already damaged neurons.
Image: Neuromics astrocytes stained with S100 beta.
We encourage you to check out the full publication here. Furthermore, you can explore all publications using our astrocytes here. Lastly, follow this link to browse all publications using our human cells & tissue.

In addition to the new astrocyte publication, we wanted to remind you that we are running another sale this August. With IBA Lifescience's generous support, Neuromics is offering all Strep-Tactin®XT 4Flow® products 10% off. Efficient purification of large proteins is often challenging and frustrating. However, the Strep-Tactin®XT 4Flow® line of products allows for the efficient purification of large proteins while maintaining an equal binding capacity for regular sized proteins. Learn more here.