Product Details
Catalog Number: GP10108
Applications: IHC
Type: Guinea Pig IgG
Storage: Store at 4°C short term. Aliquot and store at -20°C long term. Avoid freeze-thaw cycles.
Shipping: Frozen (Polar Packs)
Format A: Whole serum
Species Reactivity: Rat
Entrez: 5024
UniProt: P56373
Downloads: Datasheet (pdf)
Product Sizes
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100 ul$395.00Add to Cart

P2X3 is a subunit in the family of ion channels activated by extracellular ATP. It was cloned from rat dorsal root ganglia. P2X3 has two putative transmembrane domains with intracellular N- and C-termini. It can form homomeric channels and heteromeric channels with other members of the family. P2X3 is expressed in nociceptive sensory neurons.


Supporting Products
NameCatalog #Size
P2X3 Blocking PeptideP10108100 ug Blocking Peptide

Non-petidergic fibers expressing P2X3 receptor for ATP are present in lamina II of the contralateral dorsal horn (arrows). The P2X3-positive fibers are eliminated from the rat dorsal horn ipsilateral to the rhizotomy (arrow heads). Spinal cord segment C6. Scale bar 400 um. P2X3 antibody dilution 1:25,000. Biomédica vol.24 no.2

P2X3 staining  in rat DRG

P2X3 staining in rat DRG

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