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Adenylate cyclases are enzymes which interact with and are activated by the GTP bound alpha subunits of trimeric G-proteins. Activated adenylate cyclases are responsible for the production of the important "second messenger" signalling molecule cyclic-AMP, which is generated from ATP. The type III adenylate cyclase enzyme is localized in the membranes surrounding the cilia in neurons. Adenylate cyclase type III is a large complex molecule of, in the human, 1145 amino acids with a deduced molecular weight of 129kDa. The protein may be variably glycosylated, so that on SDS-PAGE and western blots it runs as a diffuse band of about 160kDa in cortex and about 200kDa in olfactory epithelium. The molecule has a complex structure, with 12 transmembrane domains and two cyclase domains. Each cyclase domain is immediately C-terminal to 6 transmembrane segments, but only the second, C-terminal cyclase is believed to be catalytically active. |
Mixed neuron-glial cultures stained with ACIII (red) and to αII-spectrin (green). Note the strong and clean staining of neuronal cilia. Since αII-spectrin is specific for neurons in the CNS, the glial cells in this culture are not recognized by this antibody. The αII-spectrin antibody is also an excellent marker of neuronal plasma membranes.
Western blots of rat olfactory epithelium (OE) and frontal cortex (FC). ACIII stains bands at about 200kDa in olfactory epithelium which is rich in cilia. Fewer cilia are found in frontal cortex, and the protein is less heavily glycosylated, and a less prominent band is seen at about 160kDa.Courtesy of Matt Sarkinsen. University of Florida.