Product Details
Catalog Number: MO20019
Applications: IHC
Type: Mouse IgG
Dilutions: ICC 1:100-1:200; IHC 1:100-1:200; WB 1:250-1:500
Immunogen: Prokaryotic recombinant protein corresponding to the C-terminal region of the human ChAT molecule.
Storage: Store at 4°C short term. Store at -20°C long term. Avoid freeze-thaw cycles.
Shipping: Frozen (Polar Packs)
Format A: Supernatant
Format B: liquid
Species Reactivity: Human
Entrez: 1103
UniProt: P28329
Downloads: Datasheet (pdf)
Downloads: SDS (pdf)
Product Sizes
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100 ul$175.00Add to Cart

Murine choline-O-acetyltransferase (EC is a 71,721 dalton protein(640 amino acids) expressed in cholinergic neurons of both the PNS and CNS.  In the CNS, ChAT is expressed in motor neurons and pre-ganglionic autonomic neurons of the spinal cord, a subset of neurons in the neostriatum, and in the basal forebrain. In the PNS, ChAT is expressed in a small subpopulation of sympathetic neurons and in all parasympathetic neurons. ChAT is the enzyme responsible for synthesis of acetylcholine from acetyl-coenzyme A and choline.

ChAT staining of Human brain, basal ganglia. Note cytoplasmic staining of neurons of the nucleus basalis of Meynert. Paraffin section

ChAT staining of Human brain, basal ganglia. Note cytoplasmic staining of neurons of the nucleus basalis of Meynert. Paraffin section

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