Product Details
Catalog Number: IPS001
Applications: Cell Assays
Type: Primary Cells
Storage: Keep frozen in liquid nitrogen until plating
Shipping: Frozen (Dry Ice/Liquid Nitrogen)
Format A: Frozen
Species Reactivity: Human
Downloads: Datasheet (pdf)
Product Sizes
Size | List Price | Price | Cart |
500,000 Cells | $2,484.00 | Add to Cart |
Human IPSC-astrocytes are derived from integration-free induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines under a fully defined proprietary neural induction condition. The source of the cells are primary fibroblasts, which were obtained from a healthy donor. This cell line provides a unique model system for better understanding of iPSC-derived Astrocyte cells. These cells are polarized structures when plated as a monolayer in culture and express astrocyte marker, GFAP and S100b. There are two subtypes of astrocytes: Type I and Type II. >90% of astrocytes are Type II. If you need Type I astrocytes, please contact us. Cells are prepared and manufactured in an ISO 9001:2015 certified environment and ISO 5 cleanroom. Product Highlights: |
Supporting Products
Name | Catalog # | Size |
1X Phosphate Buffer Solution | PBS300 | 100 ml |
AlphaBioCoat Solution | AC001 | 20 ml |
Astrocyte Basal Media | PGB004 | 500 ml |
Astrocyte-Growth Media | PGB003 | 500 ml |
Cell Detachment Solution | ADF001 | 50 ml |
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