Product Details
Catalog Number: HNM004
Applications: Cell Assays
Type: Cell Growth Media
Storage: Store at -20°C long term. Store at 2°C-8°C short term.
Shipping: Refrigerated (Polar Packs)
Format A: liquid
Downloads: Datasheet (pdf)
Product Sizes
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500 ml$615.00Add to Cart

Neurite outgrowth is a process wherein developing neurons produce new projections as they grow in response to guidance cues. During development, neurons extend numerous processes that differentiate into dendrites and axons. These processes (termed neurites) are critical for communication between neurons. To help understand the biology of neurite outgrowth can shed light on mechanisms underlying certain neurodegenerative diseases, we have developed a media that helps stimulate neurite formation. 


  • Screen for neurotoxicity
  • Investigate neuroprotective treatments
  • Study pathways involved in neurodegeneration
  • Measure neuronal differentiation 
  • Gain dynamic, relevant insight
  • Maximize your neuroscience research
  • Create relevant models of neurodegeneration     
  • Protect your cells
Product Highlights:

Primary Human Neurons (cat. HNC001) cultured using Universal Neurite Outgrowth Media. Neurite formation can be seen.

Immortalized Human Brain Microglia (cat. HBMCs001) cultured using Universal Neurite Outgrowth Media. Neurite formation can be seen.

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