Product Details
Catalog Number: CAF115
Applications: Cell Assays
Type: Human Primary CAFs
Storage: Keep frozen in liquid nitrogen until plating
Shipping: Frozen (Dry Ice/Liquid Nitrogen)
Format A: Frozen
Species Reactivity: Human
Downloads: Datasheet (pdf)
Product Sizes
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1,000,000 cells$1,294.92Add to Cart

Carcinoma associated fibroblasts (CAFs) have recently been implicated in important aspects of epithelial solid tumor biology such as neoplastic progression, tumor growth, angiogenesis, and metastasis. Human Colorectal CAFs are isolated from human colon tumor tissue. Cells are grown in T75 tissue culture flasks. Prior to shipping, cells at passage 1 are detached from flasks and immediately cryo-preserved in vials. Each vial contains at least 1,000,000 cells.

Human Colorectal CAFs can be used for the assay of cell-cell interaction, adhesion, PCR, Western blot, immunoprecipitation, immunofluorescent flow cytometry, or generating cell derivatives for desired research applications. Cells can be expanded for 3-5 passages.

Cells are prepared and manufactured in an ISO 9001:2015 certified environment and ISO 5 cleanroom.

Product Highlights:

Colorectal Tumor CAFs in culture. Grown using CAF Growth Media (cat. CAFM03)

Colorectal Tumor CAFs in culture. Grown using CAF Growth Media (cat. CAFM03)

Colorectal Tumor CAFs in culture. Grown using CAF Growth Media (cat. CAFM03)

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