Product Details
Catalog Number: 3D45002
Applications: In vivo Like Assays
Type: 3D Cell/Tissue Models
Storage: Keep frozen in liquid nitrogen until plating
Shipping: Frozen (Dry Ice/Liquid Nitrogen)
Species Reactivity: Human
Product Sizes
SizeList PricePriceCart
12 well$3,369.60Add to Cart
24 well$4,698.00Add to Cart
6 well$2,306.88Add to Cart

Human BBB is available only to US customers 

Our model mimic transport properties of the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) due to the formation of tight junctions, higher expression of specific carriers, or great cell viability. We developed a 3D in vitro model of the BBB by culturing brain endothelial cells with pericytes and astrocytes layered in an insert. This model improves endothelial cell polarization and enhances the formation of tight junctions, provide better endothelial cell-to-cell contact that is important for barrier development, and prevent the dilution of secreted neurotrophic factors, and these conditions collectively led to the development of an in vitro model that can truly mimic the BBB.

Models are made to order. Please allow 4-8 weeks for completion.

Models come with media. Additional media can be ordered (catalog # NMBBB01).

BBB model can be used for transport and permeability studies from ions to macromolecules.

Models are prepared and manufactured in an ISO 9001:2015 certified environment and ISO 5 cleanroom.

Product Highlights:
ACE-2 staining (red) and DAPI nuclear counterstain (blue) of the endothelial cells on the bottom of the inserts. Images collected on a microscope.

ACE-2 staining (red) and DAPI nuclear counterstain (blue) of the endothelial cells on the bottom of the inserts. Images collected on a microscope.

Diagram of BBB Model Insert

Diagram of BBB Model Insert

A demonstration of how to measure TEER. Shown using a control plate.

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We are building our company one satisfied customer at a time. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.

5325 West 74th St., Suite 8
Edina, MN 55439

Toll free: 866-350-1500
Int’l phone: 952-374-6161
Fax: 612-677-3976