Product Details
Catalog Number: 2-1000-025
Applications: Protein Purification
Type: Elution Buffer
Storage: Store at 2°C-8°C.
Shipping: Refrigerated (Polar Packs)
Format B: liquid
Species Reactivity: Not Applicable
Downloads: Datasheet (pdf)
Downloads: MSDS (pdf)
Product Sizes
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25 ml$79.00Add to Cart

Desthiobiotin displaces Strep-tag II proteins at the biotin-binding site of Strep-Tactin® in a competitive manner resulting in a mild elution of the protein. For your convenience, we offer desthiobiotin ready-to-use in solution. If you desire to prepare your own elution buffer suitable for other protocols desthiobiotin is offered as lyophilized powder as well.


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